Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 15: Cheeky!

"Do you have a preference which side?" the Endocrinologist asked me, needle poised above my exposed skin.

"Umm...they're both equally plump. You pick!"

 And that, ladies and gents, is how I got my first injection of Thyrogen.  

Amazingly, so far (12 hours later), no weirdly terrible side effects.  Wahoo! Prior to my appointment, I made the mistake of googling the possible reactions to the shots.  As I was walking towards the front door of the office, I worriedly tried to explain my dilemma to Matt: how could I recognize the side effects when they were happening if they were already happening now before I'd even seen a needle?  I mean, as nervous as I was, I was already experiencing nausea, headache, dizziness, rapid heart rate, and muscle aches.  Also, clearly, I was 100% batty.  Since that last one wasn't going to be on the FDA's interaction list, I took several deep breaths and focused on taking the elevator up three floors. Matt, to his constant credit, continued to reassure me that "we've got this."

 There's something very powerful in those three words. "We've got this."  Even during those times when I'm positive that I don't, it's unbelievably comforting to know that we do.

Later, we stocked up on some things that'd be necessary for the rest of the week: more pillows, a different toothpaste, walkie talkies, salt-free pretzels, lemon drops.  My time to glow is almost upon us...

Tomorrow offers another shot of Thyrogen (maybe in the other cheek, for variety!) and then a visit to Virtua's Nuclear Medicine for the pre-treatment dose of radiation. How's that for a big, busy Tuesday?!

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