Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 16 and a smidge: Almost glow time...

It's Wednesday!

::trumpets and fanfare::

I don't think I slept more than four hours last night, if you gather all of the little bursts of slumber and toss them together into a sleeping bag.

Yesterday was an adventure in last minute prepping as we set up my personal containment unit (aka the upstairs).   This will be my home away from home within my home for at least the next eight days. Matt's limbering up in preparation of a week's worth of couch riding.  Trail mix has been bagged, LID Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Cookies have been no-baked,  Dual Mad Libs have been purchased, walkie talkies have been batteried, and the kids have been briefed on the appropriate use of Skype while at Daddy's.  We are as ready as we can be.  I hope.

I received my second shot of Thyrogen at the Endocrinologist yesterday and was relieved to experience, once again, not a single side effect, aside from a sore butt. Whew!

At Virtua Nuclear Medicine later Tuesday afternoon, I received my test dose, a small, gray capsule of I-123.  This non-damaging radiation dose is used to allow for the thyroid uptake and full body scan I will have today, Wednesday.  Once the doctor has a clearer picture of how much thyroid tissue and/or cancer is present, he will be able to determine the correct dose of the knock-your-cancer-socks-off I-131.  He'll place an order for the pills and, an hour or two later, I'll be saying a prayer, swallowing those bad boys, and getting the heck out of the hospital before I endanger the masses.  Wheeeeee!

Meanwhile, I'm off to snuggle my babies for just a little longer...


  1. Small gray capsule, eh? Your definition of "small" differs from mine!

  2. I don't want to scare you but heard it was meant for a horse to swallow.
