Thursday, August 1, 2013

Release these (imaginary, not so bad, really kinda boring) shackles! I am free!

I am unisolated!

Yesterday marked day seven of my required week-long isolation period.  Am I excited to be able to leave the house and interact with people not wearing protective gear?

It's 8 am and I'm typing this from aisle 12 of my local Walmart as I sing showtunes over their PA system.  Price check on my freeeeeedom?!

I kid.  But not much.

I've spent this past week catching up on my reading, my Netflixing, my Pinning, and my project-ing (shhh! that last one is a surprise for a someone for a something on suchandsuch date. Forget I even mentioned it. ;) )

Today, I have a ENT doctor's appointment to look at and hopefully remove the few centimeters of dissolvable stitches that never dissolved (!) that are currently poking out of the end of my scar.

Tomorrow: Whole body scan! And end of low iodine diet! Yay!

BREAKING NEWS:  Matthew has just informed me that we did NOT win the Powerball last night. I'd wager you didn't either.  Soooo, in honor of numbers that are not going to make us millions, here's some numerical facts from my week...

59.8    - millicuries of radioactive iodine I received
43       - miles to home from hospital
2.5      - trash bags I filled with empty bottles of water. Gooooo hydration!  Gooooo kidneys!  Gooooo radiation out of my body as quickly as possible!
8,765  - approximate times I said, "ewwwww!" as the hot, metal radioactive sweat sock tang flooded my  mouth
54       -  lemon drops sucked in an effort to help prevent the radioactive assault on my salivary glands
1,893  - quality massages I gave my jawline, bottom of my chin, and neck. Much like the lemon drops, but more painful.  
 0        - times I've lost my sense of taste. Wahoo!  Here's hoping it stays that way! 
 1        - terrible movies I had the misfortune of believing the Netflix recommendation of.  Avoid Happy Poet.  It is not about a happy poet.  It's just dumb.
2        - movies viewed simulateanoeusly in the bedroom and in the living room so that Matt and I could  watch a movie "together."
5       -   channel we eventually located on the walkie talkies that was "trucker-free." Not that we didn't want to open up the party line for discussion, but some things aren't meant to be shared with the gang at the gas pump.
14      - times I ate chicken breast and steamed zucchini.  Thanks to this low iodine diet, there's some decidedly flat-fronted fowl running around. (What I wouldn't do for a cheese burger, some mac and cheese, and some sauteed spinach!)
2       -  times Matt Betty Crocker'd it...and produced some extraordinarily delish LID blueberry muffins and chocolate brownies.  
50    -  Shades of Grey.  Finally found the time to read it.  What? Don't judge; you read it, too! ;)
     - walks per day I've been taking. Sunshine always feels good!
1 million  - times I've missed my kiddos
             - more day until they're home!
Several bajillion  -  number of thank yous I need to give to everyone who has been supporting me and continues to support me.  Even just knowing there's people out there, praying and hoping and thinking positive thoughts on my behalf, helps more than you could possibly know.  For serious: you're great! 
12 - minutes it's going to take for me to shower and dash out the door...and into the general public.

Here I come, big world!  I will try to restrain myself in Walmart.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot a number...1 - very special lady who has taught so many people the meaning of perseverance, positive thinking and true love. You are inspiring.
